Message From
Founder & CEO

I take this opportunity to welcome all those who have dreamt to study and migrate in Australia. We have established a strong connection with Australian universities and colleges in order to provide students the right link to their future goals and open new horizons of knowledge and opportunities for the new generation in the pace of globalization.

We are established with the prime and pious objective to help students in their pursuit of higher education in Australia. ‘Authentic and Genuine Counseling’ is the prime value of our service. We take reliability, trustworthiness and accountability into the highest consideration in the area we work. In order to ensure these ethics and principles, industry experts and professional counsellors have been employed for vocational and higher studies counseling considering they are the right source for accurate and reliable information students require in the sphere of their interest.

Further, we have established three onshore offices in Sydney, Adelaide & Tasmania with the aim of facilitating students across the country. We believe that chance always favors the prepared mind which is why we believe in being prepared first and then guiding you towards your dreams. We are committed to assure you one stop solution for test preparations, college and university admissions, documentation, visa lodgment, travel & migration arrangement, tax return, and many others.

We would be more than pleased to pile up the bricks of success in your lives by opening up the unbinding opportunity in Australia while studying when you graduate with the prestigious university degrees. In order for you to achieve this, we invite you to make use of our services, whereby we heartily welcome you to the key to success.

Mahesh Timalsina

Founder & CEO

Corporate offices

AB Complex, Padmodaya Mode Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal

TEL: +977-1-4233107, 4233088


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